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School Policies
Unless specifically exempted by law, every child in the state who is at least six years of age or who has been previously enrolled in first grade and who has not yet reached the child's eighteenth birthday shall be required to attend the public schools in the district of his/her residence or in some other school district which the student may be transferred as provided or authorized by law. Students are required to attend each school day for the entire period the program of instruction is provided. School employees must investigate and report violations of the attendance law.
The district shall notify a student's parent in writing if the student has been absent without an excuse five times for any part of the day in a six-month period warning the parent that attendance is immediately required. The attendance office shall file a complaint against the parent and/or student in court, if the compulsory attendance law is violated (in the back of the booklet). Exemptions to the law may be found in Policy FDC.
To receive credit in a class, a student must attend at least 90% of the days the class is offered. The actual number of days a student must attend in order to receive credit will vary, depending on the number of days in a semester and the schedule of classes in the school. A student who attends fewer than 90% of the days the class is offered cannot receive credit for the class unless the attendance review committee finds that the absences are the result of extenuating circumstances. This policy does not affect a student's right to excused absences to observe religious holy days. If a student is denied credit for a class by the attendance committee, the student may appeal the decision.
For the purpose of granting credit for a class, Dallas Public Schools recognizes the following extenuating circumstances:
1. District-approved mentor ship designed to meet requirements of an advanced measure for the
Distinguished Achievement graduation program.
2. Board-approved extracurricular activity orpublic performance subject to limitations in FDD
(LEGAL) preceding.
3. Required screening, diagnosis, and treatment for Medicaid-eligible students.
4. Documented health care appointment, if the student begins classes or returns to school on the
same day as the appointment.
5. Temporary absence resulting from any cause acceptable to the teacher, principal, or
6. Juvenile court proceeding documented by a probation officer.
7. Absence required by state or local welfare authorities.
8. Family emergency unforeseen or avoidable instance requiring immediate attention.
9. Approved college visitations
A student absent for any reason shall be permitted to make up assignments and tests missed after an absence. A student shall receive credit for satisfactory make-upwork after an absence, including absences as a result of suspension, but shall receive a zero for any assignment or test not made up within the allotted time.
The parent will be notified by the school after the students has missed any class three times in a semester. The purpose of this notification is to make the parent aware that the student has missed several classes and may be in jeopardy of losing credit for the semester course. If the student continues to miss the class, the school shall notify the parents when the student has lost credit of that course for that semester. This notification may be either by telephone, U.S. mail, or in person. The parent has ten days to file a written appeal to determine if some unexcused absences should have been excused. The school will make every effort to schedule appeals conferences at a convenient time for the parent.
Only the principal, the assistant principal, or his/her designee using Administrative Guidelines FDD-R (Local) shall excuse a student from school for any cause. In all instances, people who come for students, telephone for them, or send them mustbe known personally to the principal, or the principal must be able to identify them so as to make certain that unauthorized persons are not taking custody of the student. In the case of divorced parents, the parent who has custody of the student and who enrolled the student shall be the person to whom the school looks for authority and to whom the student may be excused for any purpose. The parent who does not have custody of the student shall not be permitted to take charge of the student under any condition without the personal approval of the parent who has custody. Should a court order or other legal process shall be served on the school, the school attorney should be consulted for appropriate action to be taken.
The linked page has the bylaws of our NJHS chapter, including requirements for eligibility.